Hypnotherapy in Loughborough
My aim is always to attempt to make your tomorrow better than your yesterday.
What is hypnosis?
We are all familiar with the phrase “to be mesmerised” but did you know it comes from the work of Anton Mesmer, one of the early pioneers of Hypnotherapy? Hypnotherapy has been around for thousands of years and is backed by the National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) who recommend the use of Hypnotherapy for certain conditions within the NHS.
Hypnosis can be described as “a state of consciousness involving highly focused attention, minimising competing thoughts and allowing an enhanced ability to respond to suggestion”. We experience hypnotic trances every day, whether that’s getting lost in a good book or that thing that happens when driving, where we suddenly find ourselves with no recollection of how we got to where we are. Our subconscious mind stores everything we learn and manages these functions – from driving and walking, to reading and writing – all without us having to think about it.
Our subconscious also stores our values, feelings and the fears we’ve had since birth: every memory, every encounter, every experience. As we grow and experience life, new lessons can sometimes clash with old teachings. For example, we may struggle to lose weight because we were always told to clear our plate or we may avoid exercise and sport because someone said we were not good enough to make the school team.
In time, we form a perception of ourselves based on other people’s expectations and act in a manner consistent of that. This behaviour prevents us from visualising and pursuing our full potential. Hypnotherapy allows us to access these old, sometimes unhelpful memories and enables us to challenge and change them for the better.
Common misconceptions
Some people believe that hypnosis and mind controls are the same, but that is not the case. Many people enter only a light trance state, awake and perfectly aware of what is going on. In the same way that certain sounds can stir us from sleep – a crying baby or a nearby alarm sounding – your subconscious will bring you back to full awareness if there is anything you are not comfortable with. A hypnotherapist cannot compel you to do anything you do not want to, or anything contrary to your morals and values.
A hypnotherapist is different from a hypnotist. A good therapist will be trained and will have accreditation from a recognised body such as the National Hypnotherapy Society, and follows a code of ethics.
What Hypnotherapy can help with?
Stress and Anxiety
Many things in the modern world can cause stress and anxiety. Pressures from your work life, your family life, worrying about pleasing everyone else and having no time for yourself are all typical. Young people are also particularly vulnerable, often seeing life through the lens of social media, which distorts and filters the world to create ‘what happy looks like’. It is easy to become stressed and anxious if we try to mirror these unrealistic expectations. Hypnotherapy helps you to learn the skills to free your mind from self-perceived pressures and expectations.
Self-esteem and self-confidence
Our belief in what other people think of us influences our self-esteem. Hypnotherapy can help redress the balance of our own self-worth. If you have a big interview coming up, a driving test or a presentation to give, Hypnotherapy can restore the balance of power in your favour. You can learn to silence those doubts, giving yourself confidence and instilling a sense of calm and control.
We can often get stricken, or ill, due to a significant happening, or trauma. We don’t always recognise this instantly; it can take years before we realise there is even a problem, and even then, we may not be aware if what we are experiencing is due to a single event or a succession of events. Hypnotherapy helps you to recognise these events, and understanding how you coped with them at the time is key to working through the effects of the experience.
Weight management
People’s feelings about weight are continually shifting, and it is rare that anybody is happy with their body. Hypnotherapy is about changing your relationship with food. It’s not about dispensing a “eat this for 8 weeks and lose 8 pounds” diet, we explore what you eat, the reasons behind this and your feelings about the food you consume. Hypnotherapy will help you make healthy choices, and every session is tailored for you. You won’t get a meal plan, but you will learn how to manage your relationship with food through awareness and exploration of your journey.
Performance coaching
Whether in an exam or on the sports field, we all struggle to give 100% all of the time. We sometimes find it challenging to focus on our training regimes and feel overwhelmed when under the public gaze. Even with the best practice, our mind can desert us when we need it most. Most top athletes, business leaders and public figures now employ a degree of psychology in their training and preparation. Hypnotherapy can unlock the additional motivation, focus and adapt a losing mindset to a winning one!
Smoking cessation
Many people turn to Hypnotherapy as a last resort, but if you have a genuine desire and the willingness to stop, Hypnotherapy is a very practical solution. The techniques used for helping you quit smoking are so effective, that for many smokers, a single session of Hypnotherapy – the cost a couple of weeks of cigarettes – can be enough to transform you into a non-smoker.
Hypnotherapy can help manage and alleviate a wide range of phobias, from spiders and flying to water and open spaces. If something is getting in the way of your everyday life, or is restricting you in some way, the discovery and exploration behind the root of your fears can free you of your phobias.
Unlock your true potential
Hypnotherapy can help with general anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorders, trauma, Bruxism (teeth grinding), pain management and post-traumatic stress disorder.
What to expect
An initial face-to-face consultation is required for all issues except smoking cessation. This usually takes around 1 to 1.5 hours and often includes a basic hypnotic induction. We will discuss the number of ongoing sessions required in the initial consultation. This varies as each therapy is tailored to your individual needs.
Smoking cessation therapy is completed in a single session and combines the consultation and Hypnotherapy. This takes around 2, to 2.5 hours.
Session Prices
All sessions last 1 hour at £55.00 per hour. Your initial consultation is £55.00 and is likely to take around 1.5 hours.
Smoking cessation is £120.00. to include the consultation and Hypnotherapy.
For more information, contact me online, call 07719 651517 or visit our booking page to schedule an appointment.